Vitrified/Original YS Wheels/resinoid/MG cement grinding wheels of manufacturing sales TOA Grinding Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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Spring Grinding on cars and motor cycles.

MG grinding wheel having high grinding power with low heat generation and SRG grinding wheel having high grinding efficiency are used for grinding both ends of a spring.Delivery reports show more than half numbers of Japanese spring manufacturers and we are proud of the shear over 60%.
Grinding wheel to be used
MG magnesia grinding wheel
SRG Wheels

Centerless grinding of cars and parts of motor cycles

From rough grinding to finishing grinding, centerless grinding are applicable to workpieces such as shaft,pin,and pipe.etc.
Grinding wheel to be used
V vitrified grinding wheel
B resinoid grinding wheel
YS plastic grinding wheel

Precision equipment shaft and roll grinding

It is used in grinding finish from construction equipment for shaft and of various roll roughness.
Grinding wheel to be used
V vitrified grinding wheel
AWG porous grinding wheel
B resinoid grinding wheel
YS plastic grinding wheel

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